Current Programs

Peer Qnect

Peer Qnect is a free and confidential service run by QuIVAA to provide support to people who use substances, including those using anabolic steroids & other performance enhancing drugs, people on the opioid treatment program or seeking opioid treatment across QLD.

  • Opioid treatment support/advocacy/mediation
  • Steroid support and education
  • Safer substance use
  • Questions or concerns regarding your prescriber or pharmacy?
  • Experiencing stigma or barriers to healthcare in Queensland?
  • Peer Qnect also provides training for prescribers, clinics and relevant community services

Phone: 1800 175 889
Email for ODTP:
Email for Steroids:
Opening hours: Mon – Fri 9am-4pm

Drug Checking Service

CheQpoint is a new fixed site Drug Checking service that has been funded by Queensland Health. The CheQpoint Drug Checking Service is operated by QuIHN, QuIVAA and The Loop Australia. Drug checking is a harm reduction service (also known as pill testing) that can be accessed by anyone using substances. The drug checking service is a voluntary, free, and confidential harm reduction service.

Where can people get their drugs tested?
QuIHN Brisbane & QuIHN Burleigh Heads
Brisbane Address: 1 Hamilton Place, Bowen Hills, QLD, 4006
Phone: (07) 3620 8111
Drug Checking Service Opening Hours (April 2024 – April 2025):
FRIDAYS ONLY 2pm – 6:00pm
Getting there: Limited onsite parking & public transport options available


Peer-led harm reduction resources & festival education service.

The aims of this project and website is to create a safe, diverse and inclusive community for people who use drugs. We hope that by providing a space free from judgement and damaging stigmatisation and instead offering support and harm reduction education we can improve the health and wellbeing of our fellow Queenslanders and broader Australian Community.

Professional Supervision

QuIVAA offers safe and professional supervision by trained peer social workers who can support, reflect, evaluate, discuss and develop understanding and solutions.

For more information about our supervision services or to book a session please contact

Educational Training and Presentations

QuIVAA has a range of presentations on a range of harm reduction topics and issues relating to stigma and discrimination, AOD peer workforce. Overdose Prevention & Naloxone, Hep C, opioid treatment, and the issues for people who use drugs in QLD. We may be able to tailor a workshop or presentation for your needs. If you would like to book a speaker from QuIVAA, you can email us at

What QuIVAA has been doing recently?

QuIVAA are developing Queensland State Guidelines for Lived/Living Experience (LLE) peer representation of Alcohol & Other Drug use.

We are seeking people with LLE of drug use who have been involved in peer representation within the Alcohol and Other Drug (AOD) sector within Queensland.

Peer experience, insights and expertise are vital in informing best practice development, to ensure AOD LLE peers are invited into places and spaces with respect, across our communities.  As AOD LLE peer representation groups and opportunities grow, we seek your survey responses to inform foundational best practice guidelines for organisations and employers in Queensland. 

Through systemic advocacy and representation, QuIVAA is the voice of a diverse range of people who choose to use drugs in Queensland.

In July 2021 QuIVAA took over managing the program Hi-Ground, first developed by QuIHN in 2020 to provide the harm reduction services online to clients throughout COVID19.

Some other work QuIVVA has been doing this year is

1. Advocating for drug law reform

2. Leading the peer workforce at QuIHN

2. QuIVAA now have a representative on the Queensland Lived Experience Workforce Network Q-LEWN.

2. QuIVAA have advocated for a primary NSP on the Fraser Coast

3. QuIVAA have been instrumental in supporting a primary health care doctors surgery on the Fraser Coast, to collaborate with the Hospital NSP for greater provision of NSP equipment and harm reduction in the community and as an outreach service.

4. QuIVAA have successfully advocated for the inclusion of an AoD module in cert IV mental health peer work at East coast TAFE. This is currently being processed in all TAFEs to be a core module of this certificate. 

5. Involvement in the development and peer advisory group for the Prompt Response Network project.

The QuIVAA Board would like to express its gratitude to AIVL and the Australian drug user movement for their support and solidarity throughout the year.

Past Programs

H.A.R.D.U.P (RaveSafe)

H.A.R.D.U.P represented Hepatitis C and Recreational Drug Users Project. It was an Event and nightclub outreach service that would do roving in Brunswick Street mall on Friday nights, in clubs and parties. They would provide harm reduction education conversations and materials, they also had a giant team rabbit mascot called Daze~E Bunny.

InHouse Project

QuIVAA provided a program and support for people using heroin, amphetamines or cannabis to complete home detoxification. They would offer emotional support, counselling and nursing care. They could also provide women with volunteer support to take children to daycare or school, prepare meals and help keep the kids entertained and safe while the detox was in process.


QPAMS is the QLD Pharmacotherapy Advice & Mediation Service and is a peer based service supporting people who are on pharmacotherapy treatment in QLD. Originally started by QuIVAA and now operating as a program of QuIHN.

QPAMS can provide people with information and support about methadone, buprenorphine or other opioid treatment. QPAMS can help people sort out any issues or problems with their treatment program, clinic, pharmacy or prescriber. QPAMS can support people with accessing pharmacotherapy treatment by providing referrals to clinics and GP’s to find out more about treatment.

QuIVAA Playgroup

In the late 90s QuIVAA ran a free alternative playgroup for mother’s and children. They provided lunch, activities for the children and had a nurse on duty who could provide child health checks and answer any health related questions parent’s had about their children.

Clinic 191

Drug user friendly health care service staffed by a Doctor and Registered Nurse with extensive experience in the AOD sector.